Welcome to Pitcairn Borough!
The Borough of Pitcairn Council and Mayor welcome you to our official website. Incorporated in 1894, historic Pitcairn is nestled in the greenery of the Turtle Creek watershed of Allegheny County. Home to 3,200 residents, strong community organizations and a nationally recognized Police Department, we are part of the award winning Gateway School District with easy access to the city of Pittsburgh. We support a healthy lifestyle with multiple athletic fields, parks and sidewalks for walking. Offering a variety of affordable, attractive homes, yearly activities for families and small business opportunities, we invite you to call Pitcairn home.
To Pay By Phone, Please Call 1-855-786-5319
Pitcairn Council Business Meeting Agenda - Meeting Time Has Been Changed To 6:00 PM

The Borough of Pitcairn Planning Commission will meet each month on the second Tuesday at 6:00 pm in Council Chambers. The public is welcome to attend. Current CDC guidelines will be followed.
Resources For Small Businesses During COVID-19:
Open for Business - Bridgeway CapitalOpen for Business Application (google.com)
Interested in buying a vacant lot in Pitcairn Borough through the Allegheny County Vacant Property Recovery Program? (Click Here)
Questions about Flood Maps and Flood Insurance? (Click Here)
A Brief History

The Borough of Pitcairn Historical Society was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1999. The purpose of the Society is the historical preservation of objects, buildings, sites, and information of a historical nature within Pitcairn; to stimulate interest in history/genealogy and the preservation of historical sites, to compile and disseminate information; to preserve documents; and, to cooperate with other organizations of like interest.
To explore Pitcairn's history is to experience the beginning of our country. Join us and help document the Pitcairn story for future generations to learn from and to claim the pride that comes from knowing about the place where you live.